5 Fun & Easy Mindfulness Activities for Toddlers (Ages 2-3)
We can’t expect 2- to 3-year-olds to sit still and focus on their breath when asked. However, that doesn’t mean they cannot begin practicing simple, playful breathing exercises or yoga poses.
In my classes with this age group and my own 2.5-year-old, I encourage children to explore their natural imagination and creativity in a fun and simple way, integrating these techniques to stories and play!
When practicing yoga and mindfulness with children of all ages (but even more so with the younger age group), the key is to let go of all expectations and allow their imagination to lead and have fun!
Here is a list of 5 activities you can start practicing with toddlers:
1- Smell a flower, Blow out a candle:
Take a deep breath through your nose, like you are smelling a beautiful flower, what colour is your flower? Look, mine is a pink rose! Now, make a candle with your pointer finger. And blow out with a loooong exhale.
Get creative and tap into their imagination. Turn it into a story! Talk about the flowers and the candles in a playful way. (How about you call them the birthday candles, and after you blow out, you pretend to eat a yummy slice of cake?) Opportunities are endless! :)
2- Five Fingers Breathing
Use the hand as a visual guide for little children, helping them stay focused and engaged.
Spread your fingers and trace around your hand; go up and down each finger, starting with your thumb. Inhale as you go up exhale as you trace down.
Keep practicing this breathing exercise with your toddler; over time, they’ll learn how deep breathing can help them calm down when they feel upset or angry.
3- Buddy on the Belly
Let your toddler pick their favorite stuffed toy. Give the toy a little voice and say:
I’m feeling sooo tired... (big yawn 😴) Can I rest on your belly? Will you rock me to sleep with your breath, moving your belly up and down?
Tip: Give this a try before bedtime, as slow, deep, rhythmic breaths can help your little one relax and prepare for rest.
4- Freeze Dance with Yoga Poses
Encourage your toddler to dance freely to an upbeat song. Press "pause" and call out the name of a simple yoga pose (limit it to three variations). Make sure to demonstrate and practice the yoga poses before you start.
This practice combines movement, balance, attention and fun for toddlers.
5- Introduce Emotion Cards
For toddlers, start with simple emotions by introducing happy and sad faces, then gradually add angry and scared. Use emotion cards to name the feelings and have fun imitating the faces together.
Practice this activity with no expectations. While young children may not yet fully express or identify their emotions, familiarizing them with emotions early on will help develop their emotional awareness over time.
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