How to Homeschool….and Live to Tell About It

Once upon a time, homeschooling was an infrequent occurrence, something a handful of brave souls opted to do. Fast forward to a global pandemic, frightened nations, and the fact that children are human versions of germ-filled petri dishes and homeschooling is no longer the exception.

For parents who were unprepared for this (i.e., all of us) and those who must balance their child’s education with their own careers, the new normal comes packaged with plenty of challenges. But there are a few things we can do to make homeschooling easier….and they don’t involve us drinking wine for breakfast.

So, what are some of the tips and tricks worth trying? They include:

Get in a routine: Most kids do better when they have some sort of routine. From a psychological perspective, this has to do with the way the brain perceives the unknown; it sees it as a threat. By implementing routine, you’ll make the unknown known, teaching your child what to expect (and what you expect, too). 

Unplug for a while: Children love their screens and taking them away might leave your kiddo shaky and sweating and begging for a fix in the form of YouTube. Yet unplugging during homeschool is vital, so don’t forget to take time for your own version of recess. Consider letting your child spend a half hour riding bikes, playing at the local park, or trying yoga

Figure out your child’s sweet spot: Many children are more productive in the morning and then begin to fade in the afternoon. By the time the three o’clock blues roll around, all they want to do is head over to the monkey bars for a cold glass of root beer. If this is true for your kiddo, make sure they complete the lion’s share of their work early when they’re fresh and willing. But, if your child is more energetic after lunch, considering switching things up. 

Know that the curriculum is only as good as what your child gets out of it: You can have the most expensive, the most organized, the most state-of-the-art curriculum but if your child doesn’t get anything from it, it’s essentially worthless. The best homeschool itineraries are individualized and flexible - what works for your child is what works.

 Give yourself a break: Your sister’s kid is taking advanced classes in Latin and you’ve dubbed your homeschool Mommy Needs Coffee Academy. Guess what? That’s okay! Homeschooling, like traditional schooling, involves both good days and bad, victories and failures, triumphs and tantrums. So, give yourself a break! 

But give your kids a break too, especially if the concept of homeschooling is new. Let them eat Fruit Loops for lunch on occasion, allow a crazy hair day every now and then, and give them a pass if they’re not thrilled about learning the lifecycle of caterpillars. 

Homeschooling in the pandemic lends us a welcomed reason to be imperfect. But here’s a spoiler: we never needed permission. The offer was always on our tables; we only had to grab it.